Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cvs monday night trip

I went to CVS last night to do a deal I saw on HCW but there was no signs up since it is in next sundays ad.....it worked so it went like this

Transaction 1:(to see if it worked)
1 Softsoap ensambles refill base $3.99
-$1 coupon
-$2 ECB
Total OOP:$0.99 no ecb(thought it didnt work but on the bottom of the receipt it said buy 2 get $4ECB-yay it worked!

Transaction 2
1 softsoap pump
2 refill bases
-$2 pump q
-2 $1 off refill q
-$6ECB Total OOP-$5.37? wierd total but it was a wierd cashier that didnt know what was going on...Got back $8 ECB! TOu can do this deal 5 times for a total of 10 per card! I have about 13 coupies of the SS insert from all of those razors so I am good to go! I can sell them at my yardsale for atleast 2x what I paid...


Together We Save said...

I have given you an award come over to my blog and pick it up.

Michelle said...

I also left you an award! It is probably the same one.

Anonymous said...

Good finds.