Sunday, March 15, 2009


This is it so far. Remember I have only been doing this for three months.....:)

my deodorant and gum and toothbrushes

my toothpaste,first aid and razors

fruit snacks was about 55 boxes

all of my glade lasting impressions

sense and sprays, scented oil candles



more food, electrosal, dawn,pamolive


I have finally organized enough of my stockpile to take some pictures....
I dont have my diapers, wipes,laundry detergent, cases of soda, paper towels and toulet paper organized to take pics of.
For your viewing pleasure(leave a coment and tell me what you think!)


Kris Norman said...

Wow! I wish I had that much food stockpiled! And your house will never smell bad again with all that Glade =]

Learnin2save said...

That is so awesome! I can't wait to have stockpiles like that!

jenevans said...

Just wanted to say hello! I love your stockpile. I'm trying to work my way there! I got to your blog from chesapeake mommies. Take care.